Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

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What Our Customers Are Saying

“Best experience we have had with an insurance agency, we were attended by Mr. Schmidt, this gentleman has excellent bed side manners, very knowledgeable and quick, always has clear answers, straight to the point. Highly recommendable.”

Paws and Claws Medical Center (Avian and Exotics Vet)

“Mr. Schmidt was extremely helpful in explaining ACA plans for my parents, whose circumstances had suddenly changed, and who prefer to speak Spanish. I found him knowledgeable, kind, and extremely professional every step of the way. Thanks a lot!”

Marina Antillon

“Provided tremendous help in selection and insurance enrollment. Very informed on correct way to handle procedures for enrollment. Excellent follow up and outstanding responsiveness.”

Lorraine Lyn

“We have been using the services of Friends with Benefits LLC for a long time and we are very pleased with their services. They respond quickly to our inquiries and treat every matter with care and professionalism. We highly recommend using them for all of your insurance needs.”

Dennis Chin

“I have been working with Gerry for over 10 years. He is the most helpful, knowledgeable insurance agent in town. We all know how confusing policies can be, Gerry is patient when it comes time do a side by side analysis of policy breakdown.”

Superior Sewing (Supsew)

“El customer service de Gerry es el mejor. Siempre dispuesto a buscar alternativas que se acomoden a tu presupuesto, siempre te atiende y te explica todo con paciencia. Lo super recomiendo. (Gerry's customer service is the best. Always willing to look for alternatives that fit your budget, he always assists you and explains everything patiently. I highly recommend it.)”

Lucia L

“He is the most knowledgeable in insurance and sensitive to needs and priorities of the client. Solution oriented and focused, great follow-up great person. Highly recommend.”

Mela Martorano

“Worked with him years ago - have fond memories - would work with him any time again - very professional and knowledgeable.”

Deirdre Sours

“Very knowledgeable health insurance broker who is also responsive with excellent service”

John Petersen

“We have years and years of good advice and service from Jerry. Douglas Hornsby, M.D. President, Digital Radiology.”

Doug Hornsby

“I've known Geronimo for several years. He is one of the most knowledgeable people I know in the group and individual insurance areas. He's hard-working and honest, and well thought of in the industry. I highly recommend his services.”

Steven Hennessy

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